Place Names Harvey
Centring and celebrating Noongar language and knowledge, Place Names Harvey is decoding ancient meanings embedded in Noongar place names on Bindjareb Country. The vision of Place Names is one of language revival, truth-telling and healing.
After community consultation, Harvey Aboriginal Corporation (HAC) is working in partnership with Community Arts Network and Moodjar to manage this community-led project.
The unpacking of the meanings of place names is taking place during a series of decoding workshops attended by a strong group of Bindjareb Elders, Traditional Owners and knowledge-holders. The first workshop took place in November 2023 and workshops have continued since.
The first session was a huge success, both in terms of yarning about place names and seeing representatives of multiple generations taking part in the process. Now the decoding phase was completed, Noongar people living on, or connected to, Bindjareb Country are offered the opportunity to take part in community art workshops with artists, to collaboratively create artworks that explore the meanings of the local place names uncovered in the decoding sessions.
Place Names Harvey is supported through the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages and Arts program, Creative Australia, and Principal Partner Moodjar.