Successful Grant Application: Indigenous Languages and Arts Program

Harvey Aboriginal Corporation (HAC) was successful in its grant application to the Australian Government’s Indigenous Languages and Arts funding program.

Funding of $50,000 has been approved to deliver the Noongar Waangkiny Yaanginy (Sharing Noongar Language) project; a 12-month program building on the previous Noongar Waangkiny Moorditjabiny (Noongar Language Becoming Stronger) program, aiming to conserve, revitalise and sustain Noongar language by through the facilitation of community Noongar language classes and activities to promote language.

This will be achieved through the delivery of a series of Noongar language classes and workshops, yarning circles to practice language in a safe and social environment, and development of a place names activity to research and promote the Noongar names of places in an artistically created language map. The previous project empowered the Noongar community to develop a language program and resources to revitalise the language, now we are hoping to promote the language in the wider community.

HAC has engaged Bilya Moorditjabiny Training Services to assist in the delivery of this project. Bilya Moorditjabiny is a local training services business run by Aunty Sharon Cooke and Aunty Karen Jetta - two qualified and experienced Noongar language teachers who also have strong ancestral, cultural and family connections with the Harvey town and South West region.

Thank you to the Australian Government through the Indigenous Language and Arts Program for making this project possible.


We are now in Djilba


Hand-crafted map details significant Noongar sites